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The first thing you need to understand: If you're a polishing purist, you need to look the other way. But if you're a guy who just wants his shoes to look sweet,
you're going to love this.
Aaron Marino of alpha m. says that your shoes are representative of you. Make sure your shoes are polished, professional, and looking great.
Alpha is showing the way. Here's a simple technique that takes approximately five minutes with most of the time taken with set up. Polish shoes after two to three
wears so they're always looking their best.
Learn how to polish your shoes
Get your scuffed shoes. You need a polish that closely matches your shoe color (Kiwi brand is recommended for about $3) and an application cloth, which Alpha uses an
old wife-beater. You also need a towel to protect your pants.
1. Prepare your shoe by wiping it off, and unbuckle or unlace.
2. Open polish and lather cloth - apply thin layer all over so that the shoe looks matte. You don't need a ton of polish. A nice thin coating is all that's
required, making sure to get into the nicks and onto the tongue. If you have contrasting stitching, be incredibly careful. Let it dry and do the other shoe.
3. Lay protective cloth over your legs and hold shoe into knees - start buffing so you're left with a beautifully polished shoe. Rotate shoe around. If you get to a
part that you can't create that motion, get in and buff with one hand.
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